The Highs and Lows of My First Visit to Iceland

Suspendisse nisl tortor, maximus eu nulla sed, tincidunt faucibus nisl. Maecenas non lacus quis augue posuere aliquam. Morbi risus ante, ultricies ac viverra vitae, posuere sit amet odio. Aliquam mollis imperdiet finibus. Vestibulum hendrerit pellentesque risus, eget ornare enim tempor sit amet. Suspendisse eget justo posuere lacus accumsan varius sit amet egestas ex. Sed sed …

Hiking the Tour du Mont Blanc: One of Europe’s Greatest Trails

The Tour du Mont Blanc is one of the most iconic long-distance hiking trails in Europe. This 170-kilometer (106-mile) trek takes hikers through three countries – France, Italy, and Switzerland – and offers stunning views of the Mont Blanc massif, the highest mountain in the Alps. The trail is a popular choice for backpackers and …